
Is My Child Eligible?

Program Eligibility Requirements Waitlist

NC Pre-K

Targeted to families that earn at or below 75% State Median Income*

Must meet income eligibility.

Family meets 75% State Median Income, but no
immediate openings
Does not meet income requirements, but has at
least one of the following:
*Individualized Education Program (IEP)
*Developmental Disability
*Chronic Health Condition
*Limited English Proficiency
*Child of eligible Military Family

Title I

Academic based –
Families must show academic need through a completed developmental screening.

Must apply by the Title I deadline, complete a developmental screening, and show academic need.

The academic need of applicant child is lower than other applicant children.

Head Start

Income based –
Targeted to families that earn at or below 130% of the federal poverty level.
*Receiving public assistance benefits, including SNAP and TANF child-only payments
*Experiencing homelessness
*Foster Care

Must meet income eligibility.

Over income, but has at least one of the following:
Qualifies for Head Start, but no immediate openings.


NC Pre-K


Targeted to families that earn at or below 75% State Median Income*


Must meet income eligibility.


Family meets 75% State Median Income, but no
immediate openings
Does not meet income requirements, but has at
least one of the following:
*Individualized Education Program (IEP)
*Developmental Disability
*Chronic Health Condition
*Limited English Proficiency
*Child of eligible Military Family


Title I


Academic based –
Families must show academic need through a completed developmental screening.


Must apply by the Title I deadline, complete a developmental screening, and show academic need.


The academic need of applicant child is lower than other applicant children.


Head Start


Income based –
Targeted to families that earn at or below 130% of the federal poverty level.
*Receiving public assistance benefits, including SNAP and TANF child-only payments
*Experiencing homelessness
*Foster Care


Must meet income eligibility.


Over income, but has at least one of the following:
Qualifies for Head Start, but no immediate openings.

Placement is not guaranteed

In order to apply to Wake Pre-K, your child must be:

  • 4 years old on or before August 31
  • A resident of Wake County

NC Pre-K and Head Start are prioritized for families with low incomes and other related eligibility requirements listed below. Title I is based on academic need, not income. When your application is processed, your child will be considered for the program that best matches your family based on this criteria.

Other factors that may be used to determine if your child is eligible include:

  • Living in household with low income* – Below is the criteria for NC Pre-K as a guide:
  • Concerns from a doctor about health or learning issues
  • Having an IEP (Individualized Education Program)
  • Parent or legal guardian of the child is an active-duty member of the military or was seriously injured
    or killed while on active duty
  • Speaking a language other than English at home

NC Pre-K Income Eligibility

Income Eligibility for NC Pre-K Program is determined by family size and gross income

Familiy Size 75% State Median Income
1 $41,050
2 $53,681
3 $66,312
4 $78,943
5 $91,574
6  $104,204
7 $106,573
8 $108,941
9 $111,309
10 $113,678
11 $116,046
12 $118,414
Effective: January 1, 2024

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2022 American Communities Survey (ACS) 1-year Estimates

Released: October 19, 2023