Apply to Wake ThreeSchool
Interested in applying for the 2024-2025 or 2025 – 2026 school year?
To be considered for Wake ThreeSchool, your child must be 3 years old on or before August 31 of the current school year.
Wake ThreeSchool is prioritized for families with low incomes (within 75% of the State Median Income) and the following priority groups:
- Children with documented health or learning issues
- Children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
- Children that speak a language other than English at home
- Children with parents/guardians who are active-duty members of the armed forces
How to apply for SY 2024-2025 or SY 2025 – 2026:
2. Print the application and mail or fax it in
Choose your application to print:
You will need to attach this supporting information to your online or printed application:
- Copy of your child’s birth certificate
- Proof of residence: copy of current signed lease or current utility bill (“current” is defined as being dated within 3 months of the application submission)
- If you reside with another individual/family: attach a signed and dated statement from the homeowner/leaseholder in addition to a current utility bill (electricity/water/gas)
- Proof of all household income: please provide documentation of the following for each parent/guardian/child- employment income, child support, alimony, SSA/SSI/WorkForce/TANF, unemployment, or Workers Comp/Disability.
- Please review the Application Checklist for all details on accepted documentation
- If your household has no income to report for the applicable year, please complete the Wake ThreeSchool Statement of No Income
Additional Income Documentation Forms:
Wake ThreeSchool Statement of No Documentation of Income/Estado de No Documentación de Ingresos
Wake ThreeSchool Employment Verification Form – English
Formulario de Verificación de Empleo de Wake ThreeSchool
- Optional Documentation (please note that Wake ThreeSchool may assign additional priority points if documentation is provided for the following):
- Copy of child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- Documentation of parent/guardian’s military service (includes current active duty and serious injury/death resulting from military service)
- Chronic illness (child’s health assessment or note from medical provider indicating the child’s chronic illness)
- Copy of child’s current educational/developmental screenings or evaluation(s) indicating a developmental or educational needs
You can mail or fax your application and supporting information (see list above) to:
Wake ThreeSchool Application Center
Wake County Smart Start
4901 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27606
Or Fax – 919-851-9530
Is your child too young to apply for the 2025–2026 school year?
If your child is not age-eligible for the current school year, please click here to complete an interest form and request to be contacted for the appropriate school year for your child.
Please note that this is ONLY an interest form, not the official application.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us at