

Week of the Young Child

Check back soon for 2025 dates!

The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). It’s a great opportunity for our community to focus attention on early childhood learning and the programs and services that help children succeed in school and in life.

It’s never too early to plan! The NAEYC web site has a wealth of great ideas to inspire you to create fun, themed learning activities throughout the week:

  • Music Monday
  • Tasty Tuesday
  • Work Together Wednesday
  • Artsy Thursday
  • Family Friday

See some great highlights of events that happened all around the world in 2019 for ideas about what your family or child care center can do next year to engage children and their families, and sign up to receive the latest news and information about WOYC.

2017’s WOYC Song

The song for WOYC 2017 was “One Love,” performed here by Aaron Nigel Smith and the One World Chorus.