
“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.” – C. Everett Koop

Areas of Support

  • Supporting Excellence in Early Care and Learning
    • $5,000 provides bookcases, learning centers and student cubbies for one classroom
    • $3,000 purchases rugs for 4 classrooms
    • $875 provides a month of high-quality early learning for a disadvantaged child through the NC Pre-Kindergarten program.

    For gifts under $1,000, undesignated funds may be used for curriculum enhancing tools like Duplos or Legos for center play, sand and water tables, or provide scholarships for Early Childhood Professionals continuing education scholarships.

    Donate to support excellence in early care and learning now!

  • Empowering Healthy Families
    • $5,000 contributes towards 500 children books, physician office training and a “prescription for reading” through the  program
    • $3,000 contributes towards supportive home visits for a family with a new baby
    • $1,500 contributes towards literacy materials used in parenting programs to increase reading at home

    For gifts under $1,000, undesignated funds may be used for program enhancing materials such as activity supplies and books or for scholarships for parent educator institute attendance.

    Donate to empower healthy families now!

  • Nurturing Early Language and Literacy
    • $5,000 contributes towards training to both parents and Early Childhood Professionals on ways to enhance language and literacy development
    • $3,000 provides scholarships for Early Childhood Professionals to attend the NC National Association of Early Educators conference
    • $1,500 purchases “indestructible” infant and toddler books sets for child care centers serving children supported by Child Care Subsidy

    For gifts under $1,000, undesignated funds may be used for additional tools like puppets, music, books that deepen program experiences for young children and families.

    Donate to nurture early language and literacy now!

  • Fostering Innovation and Improved Systems
    • $5,000 contributes towards support on initiatives working to improve Wake County’s early childhood system of care and support such as data collection and review
    • $3,000 supports institute training opportunities to learn about effective strategies for improvements
    • $1,500 supports local summits that bring together professionals and experts for collaborative planning

    Donate to foster innovation and improved systems now!