Important Information: NC FAST Application

Changes are coming to the Subsidized Child Care Assistance Program. NC FAST, a statewide case management system will be used by all departments of social services and child care Local Purchasing Agencies in NC to issue Subsidized Child Care Assistance to children and families beginning in the summer of 2016.
The Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) is pleased to announce that information is now available regarding NCID Linking and Payments to Providers through NC FAST.
Use of the NC FAST (North Carolina Families Accessing Services through Technology) Provider Portal web-based application is mandatory in order to receive child care subsidy payments, and the February 2016 Provider Bulletin provides payment process information for all child care providers that accept subsidy. This document has also been posted to the DCDEE website under the “NC FAST” tab. The February Bulletin contains important information that providers need to know to prepare for this transition.
Please visit the DCDEE website for further details. Specifically, DCDEE will tell you about NCID linking, case conversion, steps for payments, and direct deposit, with the goal to help make the transition as smooth as possible. Please regularly check for new information in the NC FAST folder on the DCDEE website.
Important Materials
- Child Care Provider Preparation Guide (February 2016)
- Provider Job Aid: Creating and Linking your NCID (February 2016)
- Provider Readiness Checklist (March 2016)
- Provider Readiness Survey (March 2016)
- March 2016 Bulletin