
Shape NC

Wake County Smart Start


Wake County Smart Start
Shape NC: Healthy Starts for Young Children
4901 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27606



Shape NC: Healthy Starts for Young Children promotes healthy eating and active learning through play for children from birth to age five by assisting communities in healthy endeavors. The initiative was created to increase the number of children starting Kindergarten at a healthy weight and ready to learn.

In Wake County, Shape NC provides an opportunity to integrate support of some of the ongoing work around healthy eating and physical activity. This includes evidence-based programs WCSS currently funds to support the quality of child care, such as Farm to Child Care (F2CC) and Preventing Obesity by Design (POD). Shape NC also includes Be Active Kids (BAK) and Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (GO NAP SACC).

Approximately 32% of Wake County’s young children are enrolled in regulated child care centers, where they receive most meals and spend most of their waking hours. By focusing efforts on these sites, while our children are still young, Shape NC intends to improve early childhood practices and inspire a lifetime of healthy behaviors through this comprehensive and integrated approach.


Interested in this program? Please contact Lynn Policastro, Healthy Initiatives Program Coordinator, or call 919-851-9550. For more details about the Farm to Child Care program specifically, click here.


Shape NC is managed by Wake County Smart Start in Wake County. It is funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, Social Innovation Fund, and it is an initiative of The North Carolina Partnership for Children (NCPC) and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) Foundation.

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